Upcoming Shows
If you are in the Richmond or Virginia Beach area, please come and see me at the below shows. I will have wallpapers, fabrics, pillows,...

Three NEW Patterns
Three new wallpaper patterns launched yesterday with more to come in the next couple of weeks! I love the color and dynamic nature of...

Over the past month, I have started production on pillows. The first round of pillows sold out in just a few days, so I have decided to...

New Wallpaper Installations
Getting installation shots from my clients is like Christmas to me. It is just so exciting to see how these insanely creative clients...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday with family and friends!! Over the holidays we were busy!! We have quite a few...

New Wallpaper Roll Lengths
For those of you who love wallpaper, but don't have the super tall ceilings, I am introducing another roll length. There will be three...

St. Catherine's Now Fall 2014
I am so so so excited to share the latest edition of the St. Catherine's Now with you all! For those of you who aren't familiar with my...

New Wallpaper Installations
I am thrilled to share some recent wallpaper installations popping up all over the country! I hope that they will inspire your next...

New Installations
It has been quite awhile since my last post. My apologies!! But there have been a lot of very exciting things happening! Thomas and I...

Opening Night at Palette
Last Friday marked the start of my Fall exhibition at Palette in Richmond VA. Below are a few photos from the opening! The store looked...