New Wallpaper Roll Lengths
For those of you who love wallpaper, but don't have the super tall ceilings, I am introducing another roll length. There will be three...

St. Catherine's Now Fall 2014
I am so so so excited to share the latest edition of the St. Catherine's Now with you all! For those of you who aren't familiar with my...

Giclee Prints Available to Ship for the Holidays
For those of you who missed the show last week, or live outside of Richmond, the following prints are avaialble for shipping and delivery...

Holiday Show Giclee Prints
As many of you know, next Friday and Saturday are my holiday show! For those of you in Richmond, I hope that you can make it. And for...

New Wallpaper Installations
I am thrilled to share some recent wallpaper installations popping up all over the country! I hope that they will inspire your next...

Holiday Sale Invitation
This sale only happens once a year! And it is full of affordable gifts for the many ages and stages of art lovers in your life! From...

Holiday Gift Wrap is Back!
Gift wrap is back in limited supply for the holiday season! We had such an astounding reaction to our gift wrap last year, that we have...